Genus Tridax

in Nature Observer7 months ago
Latin NameObservation dateLocation
Genus TridaxAugust 07 2024Buket Alue Puteh, Aceh, Indonesia

The genus tridax , which is included in the Asteraceae family, is a group of flowering plants that are widely known in various regions of the world, these flowering plants are often found in tropical and subtropical areas, including countries in Southeast Asia such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and also several countries in Africa, one of the well-known species in this genus is Tridax procumbens which is also known as critter grass.

The characteristic of this plant is its small, beautiful flowers which usually have a white color on the flower petals, while the crown of the flower is bright yellow, while the leaves of this plant have an oval shape, serrated on the sides of the leaves, while the size of the leaves varies greatly because it is influenced by the environment where they grow, but I also need to tell you all that this plant is not only beautiful in its flowers, but the leaves of this plant are often used for various medical purposes (traditional medicine), one of which is to treat minor wounds.

but don't be lulled by the beauty of the flowers, you also need to know more about this plant, some tridax species can become weeds in certain areas which can damage the growth of the cultivated garden, so if you are a farmer or you are even a fan of wild flowers then it is very It is important for you to manage their growth rate so that the garden or surrounding area does not turn into an aggressive bush that can destroy other beauty, so you need to treat these plants very wisely so that you can enjoy the beauty of spring and be free from bushes.

Camera usedsmartphone
PhotographyGenus Tridax
LocationBuket Alue Puteh

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