Neptis hylas

in Nature Observer2 months ago
Latin NameObservation dateLocation
Neptis hylasJanuary 14 2025Buket Alue Puteh, Aceh, Indonesia

Good evening everyone ☕

Today I want to share an interesting story and show some photos of butterflies that I found during a forest exploration about 3 days ago. On this exploration trip I not only enjoyed the beauty of nature but also witnessed small miracles that are often overlooked among the leaves, in There I found a butterfly that was graceful and full of charm.

Do you agree that forest exploration is always an activity that provides unexpected surprises? step by step through the path covered with tall trees, I was greeted by various sounds of birds chirping, leaves rustling in the wind, and the distinctive smell of the earth. The fresh air and calm forest atmosphere created a deep experience and it was as if I was lost in the silence of the forest, in my heart I kept muttering oh my God how amazing your magnificent work is.

while walking along the path then my attention was attracted to something moving lightly among the bushes, its wings fluttered gently which revealed a unique pattern of blackish brown with striking white stripes, I immediately recognized that it was Neptis hylas which is one of the A species of butterfly from the Nymphalidae family which is often found in tropical areas of Asia.

the beauty of Neptis hylas is so alluring, the butterfly's wings are decorated with symmetrical patterns and give the impression of elegance and harmony, the white stripes contrast with the dark background of the wings making this butterfly easy to recognize, when I approached the butterfly carefully This butterfly seemed to stop for a moment on a leaf, as if it was giving me the opportunity to capture it in a photo. I took my cellphone and adjusted the focus to ensure every detail on its wings was captured clearly.

This moment feels special because it's not every day that I get to meet a beautiful butterfly like this in perfect conditions for photographing, on many occasions the butterfly often flies away before I can capture it, but this time there is a little difference this butterfly gave me. the opportunity to take photos, as if he understood that I just wanted to enjoy the beauty and not disturb them.

after taking several photos then I watched this butterfly fly slowly to continue its journey among the leaves, I felt lucky to be able to see it directly and capture its beauty, this moment reminded me how many small miracles in nature are often missed if I don't take the time to took a walk into the woods and found them among the undergrowth.

Camera usedsmartphone
PhotographyNeptis hylas
LocationBuket Alue Puteh

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