Today I went to some nice communities on Hive Platform.I read and looked for more knowledges and more chances to get rewards on Hive Blockchain.
I went also to the Blockchain Gaming Community.I read many others post in that community.There are many Rising Star Game posts and Moon Karts Game posts.
So I read mamy game posts on that community.
After that I wanted to open Moon Karts Game account.
Moon Karts Game is a racing game of Hive Blockchain and it is also a Web Browser-based Blockchain Game.
If you want to open Moon Karts Game account... you must have an email and Hive account.
How to open Moon Karts Game account
(1)Hive Keychain Application
The first step is going to use Hive Keychain application and you need to use Hive Keychain browser to open it.
You will see as this page of the browser-- Ecosystem.In that webpage you will see Gaming column.You need to choose Arcade Colony Game Platform logo.If you see Arcade Colony Game... then you press it.
(2)After pressing.. you will see Moon Karts Game in that platform.It is a photo of No-2.And then press it.
(3)If you see and reach Moon Karts Game...It is a "Sing in" page and you press it and follow.It is No-3 photo.
(4)You will see as this No.4 Photo.
You need to press Register button to open Moon Karts account in there.
(5)After pressing it...you will see a create page as a No-5 photo.
In there you need to choose Hive Keychain button to open game account with your Hive account username.
After pressing Hive Keychain button...you will see the page as a No-6 photo.
(6)It is ready to open for your Moon Karts Game account.
You need to fill up an email address and your Hive account username.
And then small two clips of their disciplines and press the create button of Hive Keychain as shown in the figure of No-6 photo.
After all you will see this page and finished your creating game account.
It is ready to use and play Moon Karts Game account.
This is my Moon Karts Game account and I will try to play in Moon Karts Game.
Now I am trying and learning Moon Karts Game.
This is my first step of Moon Karts Game.
This is my trying step of Web3 Blockchain Game on Hive.
Thank you so much for your reading.
Have a nice day.
20:10 PM