Despuès de ser parte de la formaciòn acadèmica por tantos años considero que nuestros conocimientos requieren de esa energìa de la juventud para nivelarlos y sentirme que todo lo vivido vale, escuchar jòvenes expresarse y sentir que quieres orientarlos vale el esfuerzo, al escuchar a los jòvenes me pregunto ¿tambièn pensaba asì? entonces entiendo que asì pasen las èpocas, se evolucione generaciòn tras generaciòn el ser humano viene a vivir sus propias experiencias para encontrar el camino que desean.
When activities such as the
#biodanza theme that I have followed, what it is done for, or why it is part of the welfare that in different presentations brings us
@miriannalis, every time I see the pictures with the meetings they perform I say I want to be there sharing because it is seen that there is peace, joy, sharing, the release of those emotions that day to day give us away in moments of tension. When we decide to go within ourselves we can detect this type of activity as part of deciding before our day-to-day well-being that we want.
Existential questions, seem simple for some people but in reality are not when we go on this path of feeling good wherever we are, or with whom we share the day-to-day. That Peace that we all want to feel is worked out and it feels great when you feel your body and mind in Peace.
Where do I want to be today?
This question seems trite, being very important; some take it as a joke giving answers such as beaches, fun, and others.
Today like every day I want to be here in my home. I appreciate the built space, to feel safe in it, it is the best thing that can see how there are people that despite having their housing solutions are not happy in them, they do not feel well, they continue in the search, even changing is respected.
I want to be in my house, observing so many people who, due to the country's situation, decide to leave it, leaving comfort for spaces of little comfort in the search for quality of life, each one to his own.
I am in my house, as it is, I am grateful to have it thinking of so many families who have not yet consolidated a home of their own and so the years have passed. Now we are living a different story in terms of housing spaces.
I love being in my house. That's the place I want to be today.
Who do I want to share my day with?
I share my day with myself, my moments of silence are important, my connection with the Most High for me is first, it is to feel that wonderful energy to live a full day in all aspects.
I share my days with my husband, walks, meals, and conversations and since a year ago I have shared it with my mother who is in my home, performing actions to make her feel well and happy. I care for her in a general way so that she has the moments of tranquility she deserves due to her age.
The absence of my children at the beginning affected me a lot and I wanted to spend my days with them, to understand that their lives and the decisions they make are their life lessons to grow as people... I fill my spaces with activities for my benefit and internal growth.
What do I want to do?
After being part of the academic formation for so many years I consider that our knowledge requires the energy of youth to level them and feel that everything live is worth it, listening to young people express themselves and feel that you want to guide them is worth the effort, listening to the young people I ask myself, did I also think like that? then I understand that even if the times pass, generation after generation human beings come to live their own experiences to find the path they want.
Translator DeepL