Social Media Challenge Serial killer winning with SEA MONSTER

in Splinterlands8 months ago

Sometimes a single card in certain circumstances and with a powerful legendary summoner it is very beautiful to see how the opponent is massacred without having any hope of winning from the beginning that just by watching the fight you already know that you are lost.

Even more so, if that monster can only attack twice, eliminating all its cards very quickly, it would become a murderer.



In this case we have the MAGIC REFLECTION which makes it disadvantageous on this occasion to use cards with this type of attack.

In addition to the OPPORTUNITY skill, but since we will only use 1 monster that will do all the work, this skill will be irrelevant in this opportunity for both me and my opponent.

We can only summon alignments of water, fire and death, and a mana limit of 14 that limits us quite a bit in the number of cards to summon but fortunately allowed us to summon SEA MONSTER.

My Team


This summoner made it hard to kill my SEA MONSTER by giving it +2 life, this means that when it regenerates it recovers more life and my monster has even more life.

It gives him the TRAMPLE ability that allows him to make a second attack when he manages to eliminate a monster.

In this case the ability to REACH, which in this case will be irrelevant as you only have one monster.


This card is very powerful, it has a great attack of 4 and also a life of 9 with the +2 it would be 11 life which together with its HEAL ability will allow it to regenerate which makes it even more unbeatable.


RONDA 1 and 2

In the first turn my enemy attacks first with SILENT SHA-VI but then attacks my SEA MONSTER and regenerates the 3 damage he did to it and manages to eliminate the shield of his CRYPT BEETLE, leaving it ready to be eliminated the next turn since it does not protects his SHIELD ability since my monster does 4 damage and that is enough to eliminate his monster.

My enemy ends the first turn attacking my monster, which remains at 8 life due to the summoner's ability that takes away -1 maximum from the beginning.

In the second turn he attacks first his SILENT SHA-VI leaving him at 5 life but again it is his turn to attack my SEA MONSTER so I manage to eliminate his CRYPT BEETLE and thus the trample ability is activated so I do another attack and managed to hit his SILENT SHA-VI.

My enemy makes another attack with his CARRION SHADE and leaves my SEA MONSTER at 7 health.

In this first round you can see the power of the SEA MONSTER and how the POSSIBILUS THE WISE summoner makes it more invincible, so in the first two turns I eliminate an enemy monster and leave it ready to destroy it in the 3rd turn.

RONDA 3 and 4

On the third turn I manage to eliminate my opponent, destroying him without a chance for me to even care.

First again his SILENT SHA-VI attacks my SEA MONSTER then when I attack him he regenerates the damage done by the enemy monster but I manage to eliminate two of his monsters so on turn 4 I already eliminate his last one monster.


The key here is that my SEA MONSTER had a large amount of life that was even greater due to the fact that the summoner POSSIBILUS THE WISE added +2 life to it, making it more unbeatable.

In addition, its great attack of 4 and the TRAMPLE ability allowed me to quickly eliminate my enemy.

My opponent never had a chance since the most he could do is 5 damage which would leave me at 5 life but every turn he could regenerate me by +3 life so if he couldn't eliminate his monsters he could regenerate me every turn 2 Since I had 10 life, my opponent needed 5 turns without me eliminating a single monster.

Something very difficult since his first monster, the CRYPT BEETLE, had 2 speed, although it had the SHIELD ability with 4 damage, it took 2 turns to eliminate it because it would not be able to avoid any turn.

So already in the second turn my enemy could only deal me 4 damage but he regenerated +3 so he would need 9 turns to eliminate me.

Even though his SILENT SHA-VI had 4 life and my SEA MONSTER had some probability of missing several attacks on my opponent, it required 9 turns, making it very unlikely, if not impossible, that he would be able to eliminate me. Furthermore, due to TRAMPLE's ability, I managed to land a hit on him, so It was enough to land a second blow to eliminate his monster that had a remote possibility of making me lose.

What happened and when I managed to hit it with the ability of TRAMPLE, I managed to eliminate her CARRION SHADE, which although it has 2 speed, but its flight ability gave it the chance to be able to dodge attacks but if it happened I would no longer have any chance since it could only make me 1 of damage and I regenerated 3 life so I was already lost after passing SILENT SHA-VI's checkpoint.


Very good :-)

Amazing element you shared in the community. What a brillant strategy in your gameplan!
Thank you for sharing this original composition in your article.
Conflicts section in the Splinterlands is coming. Are you ready to compete?


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Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121