Splinterlands Social Media Challenge Attracting all eyes, IZIAR

in Splinterlands5 months ago

The TAUNT ability is a very useful ability to attract attacks to yourself, preventing the enemy from attacking the other cards and in this way they are protected for 1 or more turns, managing to do damage and eliminating cards that have SNEAK, OPPORTUNITY OR SNIPE , thus when that card is eliminated with TAUNT, my enemy's alignment will already be decimated.




On this occasion, among the battle rules we have STAMPEDE, which allows the TRAMPLE activity to be activated indefinitely until it manages to eliminate one of the cards. This ability is very difficult to see in action since the conditions are very difficult to meet. and in this case we will not use any cards with TRAMPLE.

BROKEN ARROWS: This battle rule prevents us from using cards with ranged attacks, of which there are several good ones that could be used to reinforce the lineup, however, in the absence of these we can still make a good lineup.

HEALED OUT: impide que puedan ser usadas las habilidades de curación.

Additionally, we can use up to 29 energy, which is a bit low, although it is still feasible to make a good lineup with several white and dragon cards and lineups.

My Team


This summoner is very important as it is level 5, which will allow me to use my IZIAR at level 2, which summons him with a lot of life and also gives him +1 speed, which could allow him to dodge some ranged or melee attack.

Although it allows me to summon a BRAWL card, in this case it will not be necessary and I will be able to make a lethal lineup with the amount of mana available.


In this case, this card is a very good tank with its 5 shield and 9 life, plus the THORNS ability, makes it a very good element that can destroy our enemy's melee cards, thus helping to eliminate them faster. allowing me to redirect my enemy's alignment faster.


This card is very important as it has 4 speed, which allows it to dodge any ranged or melee attack. Additionally, when its speed is raised by +1, it will be even faster and therefore more likely to be able to dodge. attacks.

In addition to his SCAVENGER ability, when my enemy's cards or mine die, his life will increase by +1, which could provide him with more turns of resistance.


This card is low mana which is ideal due to the low amount of mana available giving the chance to summon a card with a lot of mana, in addition its OPPORTUNITY ability will allow me to eliminate the weakest card of my enemy, increasing my life. KRA'AR XOC and thus quickly reducing my opponent's lineup before my IZIAR dies.


This card will be the fundamental card of victory, since having a life of 14 and its VOID ability will reduce the anti-magic attack and the TAUNT ability that will attract all attacks, so it will protect the rest of the cards while they go. eliminating the enemy's cards.


RONDA 1 and 2

In the first round my enemy attacks my DJINN CHWALA, with his TWILIGHT BASILISK and DJINN CHWALA and they only manage to remove his shield.

In the first round my enemy attacks my DJINN CHWALA, with his TWILIGHT BASILISK and DJINN CHWALA and they only manage to remove his shield.

Then IZIAR is attacked by DHAMPIR INFILTRATOR, URAEUS and VOID DRAGON, but URAEUS's attack is dodged, VOID DRAGON's is reduced to 0 damage by my IZIAR's VOID ability so these only leave him at 12 life.

I manage to attack his DJINN CHWALA with my IZIAR and my DJINN CHWALA, and since he receives damage from the thorns ability I also leave him at 7 life and take away all his shield, in addition to his TWILIGHT BASILISK when attacking my DJINN CHWALA takes thorn damage taking away his shield.

My WHELP HERDER attacks his URAEUS and takes away his shield.

In round 2 my enemy attacks my DJINN CHWALA again and with his TWILIGHT BASILISK and his DJINN CHWALA they leave him at 2 life since my DJINN CHWALA attacks and It eliminates his DJINN CHWALA also helped by the attack and damage that my IZIAR managed to do to him and it does damage to him due to the thorns ability. Additionally, his TWILIGHT BASILISK also receives thorn damage and remains at 1 health but is eliminated by my WHELP HERDER.

DHAMPIR INFILTRATOR, URAEUS and VOID DRAGON, attack my IZIAR leaving him at 9 health since this time they manage to deliver 3 attacks since 1 attack from DHAMPIR INFILTRATOR is dodged and of the 3 remaining attacks, 2 manage to damage him.

RONDA 3 and 4

In round 3 my enemy manages to attack with his URAEUS and his VOID DRAGON but only manages to deal URAEUS damage and leaves him at 7 life.

My IZIAR and my DJINN CHWALA manage to attack and eliminate his DHAMPIR INFILTRATOR, before he can attack.

My WHELP HERDER eliminates his URAEUS.

In the fourth round my WHELP HERDER eliminates his CHAOS AGENT.

With the rest of the cards I attack his VOID DRAGON's but my DJINN CHWALA misses his attack and only my IZIAR manages to damage him, leaving him in

RONDA 5, 6, 7 and 8

In the fifth round my enemy manages to eliminate my DJINN CHWALA with his VOID DRAGON before he can attack.

I attack with the rest of the cards and leave his VOID DRAGON at 3 life.

From the sixth round only my IZIAR manages to hit the attacks on his VOID DRAGON until he is eliminated and he attacks my KRA'AR XOC as he raised his life due to the SCAVENGER ability , manages to resist all his attacks.


Here the key to victory was the TAUNT that attracted the attacks of 3 of his cards, the most important being VOID DRAGON. that when attacking my IZIAR, he was unable to harm him and prevented him from harming my DJINN CHWALA which gave him enough time to eliminate 2 of his cards due to the damage that my **DJINN CHWALA did to them ** due to the damage of thorns and his attack he manages to eliminate his DJINN CHWALA and his TWILIGHT BASILISK.

The speed that the summoner gave him allowed my IZIAR to dodge 2 attacks, in this way my IZIAR resisted all the attacks and was not eliminated, thus allowing me to eliminate my opponent.


Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121