I love my keep only issue is I'm the one that owns all the land lol I guess that makes me a control freak. There can be some good deals out there still compared to the prices that these plots used to be at one time. It's a long game for sure and hopefully we see at least wood come out for buildings. That should really inject value at first for swap fees on grain, wood etc Would be awesome to see this added to peakmonsters but there's also other little known projects that some cool features to manage Splinterlands assets and get a snapshot of what's going with your lands.
I love my keep only issue is I'm the one that owns all the land lol I guess that makes me a control freak.
That's the best position to be in!, owning the other plots in the same Tract. I have some others scattered around, but would gladly trade them off for others in this one.
A couple of Epics were for sale recently but got snapped up quickly by another player. They are being worked so I can't complain, they are giving me tax.
True I am In full control. It of course is always nice to profit off of others efforts lol but from the looks of it the amount of plots that are active and luck you'd have with a keep with active plots you don't know seems kind of low.
The staking requirement are too high! 50k DEC for a set of Chaos Legion Max cards.., that's a large outlay so it doesn't surprise me. This why I have been picking up Beta's, with that 5x modifier.
Yep I'm struggling with the 50k DEC per plot it ends up being millions of DEC I need to get everything online not including the cards. Beta cards are og for sure!