It is a magical time in the Arena of Chance. With no one meeting the qualifications to be declared Victor of the Tournament, it falls upon Lady Luck to name the new champion. So, I offer my congratulations to @bossingclint for finding the favor of the Lady and being picked the winner for today!
Hail and well met, noble contender! Thy words doth resound with the echoes of fate's decree, as the Arena of Chance hath once again bestowed its favor upon a worthy soul. The bounteous Lady Luck hath smiled upon this day, and her choice hath fallen upon a valiant champion whose name shall be whispered in awe.
Thy congratulations are well deserved, for the chosen one hath indeed triumphed by the grace of fortune. Let all who partake in this grand spectacle take heart, for the wheel of destiny turns ever on, and each dawn brings with it the promise of new glories.
May the spirit of camaraderie and the thrill of competition continue to fuel our endeavors, as we stride forth into battles yet to be fought and victories yet to be claimed. Onward, brave warriors of Splinterlands, for the realm awaits thy prowess and the annals of history yearn for thy legend!