in Splinterlands5 months ago (edited)


Compared to any restrictive ruleset, Five Alive (and the merrier Fab Four) proof to be the most elusive ruleset to used. Five Alive limit the deployable position to a maximum of 5 cards only. This ruleset change the strategy for the card positioning, whether to thinned down the front squad or cut down the damage-dealer rear squad. But not only that, with less deployable position, more mana could be assigned for each positions, which means its an advantage to reserve high-mana cards under this ruleset.

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Pros & Cons

1. Practically with reduced number of deployable position, you will have less necessity to spread the mana cap evenly, which resulting in propensity for higher mana cards to be used.
1. Smaller formation will limit the use of specialized roles. Roles such as Striker which focus on damage-dealing or Support which focus on buff and debuff will be pose higher risk from being easiliy eradicated due to limited protection. Focus on more balanced cards will be the safe strategy.
2. Smaller formation could either means less position on the front squad or the rear squad. Ranged cards and non-attack cards would be significantly affected by this conditions and less likely to be used.

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Best Cards To Use

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So here we have the battle experience with Five Alive as the ruleset. Click BATTLE LINK to see how the battle run.


The battle has a maximum 44 mana cap, with Back To Basics, Keep Your Distance, and Five Alive as the rulesets. Only Fire, Earth, and Life Splinter are allowable.

With no melee allowed to use and abilities are locked, I guess I'll go with Earth Splinter and utilized the magic formation. As usual I picked Obsidian as my main summoner. The front line are led by Centauri Mage and Regal Peryton due to both card have handful of health but only minimum damage. The 3rd row filled Mycelic Slipspawn, not only its has substantial health but also it able to deal 2 damage. Goblin Psychic follow next. And finally the ultimate trump card, Lord Thanalor.

My opponent seemed to expected my strategy and anticipated by deploying Immortalis as summoner. It is the best summoner to counter magic formation so far. The card used are not much different to my formation. There are Regal Peryton, Mycelic Slipspawn, and Goblin Psychic. And then there is ranged cards, Uloth Dhampir and Vampiric Blossom. Comparing both formation, my opponent certainly have a much greater damage output, but still the mana cap being utilized are less than my formation.


Obsidian magic buff really helped to minimize the Void reduction from Immortalis. The round open with both Regal Peryton casting their spell. Then a couple of my cards cast spell which put Regal Peryton gone for good. But its not long before Centauri Mage got blasted by Mycelic Slipspawn and Uloth Dhampir.


Round 2 hold down my progress as Mycelic Slipspawn stood rigidly with 9 health. I managed to drop down the opposing Mycelic Slipspawn to 2 health, but my won Mycelic also found resistance and brought down to 5 health.


Lord Thanalor become a crucial factor in the 3rd round. The high speed led to better initiatives to wipe away Mycelic Slipspawn. But my opponent still hold tremendous firepower as the counter attack not only drop down Mycelic Slipspawn but also drain Goblin Psychic to 2 health remaining.


Lord Thanalor strike down Goblin Psychic and this accelerate my momentum as Uloth Dhampir unable to strike having to shift to front row. Vampiric Blossom strike down Goblin Pschic and now we are left to 2 against 1 with Lord Thanalor took the last stand.


Entering Round 5, the battle turned into sudden death with the one to make the first kill will come out victorious. And it seemed Lord Thanalor gained the upperhand. Running into Round 7, Uloth Dhampir are left with 4 health remaining, while Lord Thanalor stood with 7 health. It only took the following round for Lord Thanalor to put demise into Uloth Dhampir and thus sealed the fate of Vampiric Blossom.


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This battle shows the risk of deploying ranged cards with such limited available position. Even deploying 3 magic cards on the first 3 (three) rows are not enough and could jeopardize the ranged cards from being step up to the front-row.


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Thanks for sharing! - @cieliss

The format of your post is quite original, I liked it, and you describe the battle very well with the strategy you used. Good job.