Yes the bear cleaned out a lot of projects. I'm not too sure about wax I never touched that chain :x. I would love to see more web3 games being built on hive. I wonder what's stopping people from building more web3 games on Hive instead of like polygon, immutable, avax etc.
if you like TCGs you can also take a look at parallel or Gods unchained. I never got into parallel but I think that's the hype now but it's being pushed by a lot of creators and I think it will die eventually (my opinion). Gods Unchained is a bit OG but I didn't like the direction they went. I feel TCGS in web3 is really hard to balance and if they nerf the card, the card loses value. This is where I feel Splinterlands did well with the balancing but lately the last set of cards seemed kind of broken and we can really see the power creep coming in Splinterlands