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RE: Splinterlands Strategies: Keep Buyers, BEWARE!

in Splinterlands5 months ago

Yes the bear cleaned out a lot of projects. I'm not too sure about wax I never touched that chain :x. I would love to see more web3 games being built on hive. I wonder what's stopping people from building more web3 games on Hive instead of like polygon, immutable, avax etc.

if you like TCGs you can also take a look at parallel or Gods unchained. I never got into parallel but I think that's the hype now but it's being pushed by a lot of creators and I think it will die eventually (my opinion). Gods Unchained is a bit OG but I didn't like the direction they went. I feel TCGS in web3 is really hard to balance and if they nerf the card, the card loses value. This is where I feel Splinterlands did well with the balancing but lately the last set of cards seemed kind of broken and we can really see the power creep coming in Splinterlands


There's been HIVE games have have come and gone in the past. Splinterlands was the first around the middle of 2018. I kept away from it for a while but got sucked in after SteemFest 3 in Krakow (November 2018) where I was handed a couple of starter pack codes.

Some of the others packed it, but nobody has any trust in todays world, so many of them get a rudimentary core following and don't get anywhere.

hmmm I don't know much about Hive games aside from Splinterlands and waiting holozing to release.

You are super OG haha. I wasn't even around when steem was a thing. Oh ya it's a messed up world, hard to trust. So many projects promised things but didn't deliver. Oh wells it is what it is luckily i didn't get into too many of those