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RE: Seeing better

in Outdoors and more11 months ago (edited)

Hmmm, not really much into guns but understood a bit. Beside those factors, do you believe some people have natural shooting abilities?

I have never shot even any air rifle but I remember one of my school life shooting competition where I just took part for fun but in the end I was second. Just held my breath, closed the right eye and boom. It was all unbelievable for me.. (it was a long range shooting competition)


Shooting is not a natural thing, it's an acquired skill and being a good shooter doesn't happen by accident.

Having said that, some will pick up the skill faster than others for various reasons and I have found that women tend to be better shooters than men (sooner) because they're more patient and they listen to instruction better. Most men think they know everything and fail to listen effectively thinking they know best and so they don't take instruction and their progress can be slowed because of it. I speak generally here.

Some have a more steady hand, better eyesight and judgement and those people will tend to be better shooters.

Okie understood..

Ummm, have you ever shot a human being with your gun🙂 (just asking, if you don't wanna answer you can simply ignore)