in FreeCompliments9 months ago

As I am writing this tonight, 31 December Night, I would like to say Happy New Year to all of you guys. I know this is a bit earlier, but I do not sure if tomorrow I will have the time and attention to say this to you all.

Tonight I am cleaning out my drafts on PEAKD, and I have deleted some of them. There are drafts that I keep, some of them are drafts from my early day on HIVE, and some are like my notes. I keep some information there, like to do list, templates. and others

However there are 3 drafts that really get my eyes here. These 3 are a very important drafts that I have had some plans with them. What are them? Let me spill one by one.


The idea came when #saturdaysavers was having the no buy month, I said that I might submit my participation post to the community but somehow until today it stayed in my draft. So I feel bad and embarrassed to @shanibeer and @hoosie although I know they might not bother with minor like this.

The main point I want to deliver is that No Buy Month actually is not something great. Well I have no position to say it bad, or good, but definitely not great. The are reasons why I think I want to write this post, first there is no instant solution in saving. Saving is grinding, we do small thing time over time... and precisely it is a habit that we build and nurture that habit.

The other reasons? lets keep them in my post, I hope I can finish and publish it before the next #Saturdaysavers no buy month is hold. It is not like I want to cancel or going against it, but I believe enriching people with some thought and opinions before they do it... could give different impacts.


This is the one that sit too long in Draft due to more "political" issue. I poked @dynamicrypto about #PSX and he had shared some links. There are some of questions on that, and I decided to write up a post as my deep dive on that token.

However ugly things happen, let say some nuke bombs dropped and explosion were everywhere. I think I do not need to go with details, bottom line is everything get sour and cold and I have postponed this post which I regretted later because I lost some moment in posting the post, which make me have to change and update part of the post.

The post was not or is not about promoting #PSX, I am making the post as a collection of other point of view on the token. I do not say I am better at this than them. I only knew Crypto from 2021 and HIVE WALLET was my first and only crypto wallet. So I am in no position to say whether it is good or bad, but telling whats not right in my point of view with several supporting data, or telling people whats great on them with those data, seems can be a good one.

Lets pull one in here one of those interesting things, the BUYING WALL. There were many things that they could do with that fund if they did not put that buy wall earlier. The buy wall was some kind of cash grab but not by the Developer, but by the speculators who bought some tokens during presale.

There were some projects which experienced the same, for example the $LGN by @raymondspeaks. I saw when they increased the buy wall to 1.1 HIVE, which was too earlier, then what I saw that people just sucking out developer money out from the projects. a reverse Cash Grab. Forget about the project, forget about friendship, just take the money bro!!

Today I did not see a massive buy wall on $PSX anymore, this is what I say I have regretted that I could not post it earlier for whatever the reason was.

I hope I could get some more time to finish this post, and of course some good mood too. Reviving old draft is exciting but it is very tiring. My goal is to have others getting know $PSX from other perspective, not only from their official publication. Of course I will try to be as fair as I can.


This is the last draft, the most complicated one from all the drafts I have. I have promised to people on, a Bahasa Indonesia community, that I would make 3 posts. The first one was about Post Volume, which I had published that one. The other two are about HASHTAG and How To Follow A Community.

Hashtag is a problematic one, first because I think everyone especially newly onboarded Hivians need to understand this as early as they can. The sad thing is that even some older accounts still haven't figured correctly about the use.

For example, many still do not know what is the difference between a shitty tribe tokens and a pure shit tokens. Many still do not know that difference in Hashtag could result big in your author rewards. So the idea is to help people with the hashtag so they can get more and better rewards on their writings.

So why do I pend this? because of the language, if some try to translate it to certain languange, it would give different impression. For example, I write if you put your hashtag in wrong typing, you won't get the reward. But if I write in bahasa then translated, it will sound like this: "to get good rewards you must put this hashtag, others wrong". Different impression huh, even I am talking about using #splinterlands and #play2earn as part of writing #Splinterlands challenge.

or maybe i should make the English one first? well we see it later. But this is a serious topic, only by picking the right #HASHTAG, or we say having a good Hashtag strategy, we could earn more... and this is not like spamming HASHTAG in actifit post.

2024 IS NOW

What will I do for 2024? I took a shot on my TV in my room here:

two words: SAA GANBAROOZE!!!!! I am looking forward for 2024, and I believe most of us here on HIVE do that too, else we already give up and leave this blockchain. Lets pray and work hard for a great year!!!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Happy New Year!!


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 189 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Hey @dewabrata, here is a little bit of BEER from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

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Be ready for the January edition of the Hive Power Up Month!
Hive Power Up Day - January 1st 2024

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Be ready for the January edition of the Hive Power Up Month!
Hive Power Up Day - January 1st 2024



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