Monday, 20th of November 2023 [101]
Weekends are great, aren’t they? The only beef I have with the weekends is that they fly by! Even the long weekends like this one I just had visiting my friend, Crystal, in Lincolnshire. Those I must add fly by even faster. It feels like I’ve only arrived here, on Thursday night and I blink and it’s Monday evening!
Despite being here for 4 days I took a very small amount of pictures. Nonetheless I like to document this trip, so it stays in my memory for a little bit longer.
When I arrived here on Thursday evening it was too dark to take any pictures, but I made sure to capture Bonnie’s happy face on Friday morning. Crystal told me that Bonnie is already bigger than Kylo, but I didn’t quite believe her 😉
Once I got here I realised she was right! That small fence won’t be big enough for her soon and she’s only 7 months old!
As you might know, Fridays are now my run days, so as soon as I got up on Friday morning, I had my pre-workout, a little warmup and off I went for a run in the fields, which stretch all around Crystal’s house. Wish I took some pictures of those lovely fields, but of course, I was too busy running, so he’s a field view from Crystal’s kitchen instead.
I do love this new habit of mine. It seems to energise me for the whole weekend and Crystal’s partner - Eddie is also into running, but he told me he has neglected it for couple of months and this weekend, inspired by me and our chats about healthy eating and living he went for his first run in a long time! Always great to hear you can inspire someone like this.
Although I must add that with 2 dogs needing daily walks, Eddie is quite active anyway. An hour of a walk a day keeps him fit and always active. But how can you say no to this cute face, hey?
On that said Friday morning, when Eddie and Crystal were both at work and kids at school, them two dogs got to some mischief I must say. When I saw the state of the garden that morning I wasn’t sure whether I shall stop this behaviour or let them carry on?
Eventually I decided for the latter. I thought that if I wasn’t here they’d continue to tear apart that cusion, so I let them get on with it, while I enjoyed my morning green tea after my run. Crystal’s succulents arrangements still look good even in November. I remember bringing a few of them to her old house when she still lived just over an hour away from me and these travelled with her all the way here and still look good and multiply 😁
Truth be told, I fancied a nice evening in front of a tv with my friends, with fireplace keeping us warm and a nice homely atmoshpere. But the plans were already made ahead of time and we went out to a restaurant, as Crystal’s niece was celebrating her 15th birthday.
Bday girl looked fabulous and so did the bday cake! Crystal’s daughter also made my eye lashes look fabulous with adding some fake ones that were apparently going to last more than a week. I was tempted to keep them on till next weekend, but I changed my mind when they made me cry every morning and took them off in the shower today.
At the restaurant I opted for what I thought was a safe option - ribs! Wherever I eat, if they have ribs on the menu, I take them!
Those ribs looked good, but truth be told I didn’t enjoy them too much. In comparison to other ribs I tried, these were really not great. They also caused me to have stomach cramps in the evening, so then I was even less happy with them. In truth I’m not sure whether it was ribs or some sort of stomach bug, because of how this weekend panned out, but about this later.
On Saturday morning I joined Crystal at work. She does deliveries now, which as she said she really struggled with at first, but seeing how great she handles it now is actually quite impressive.
Of course it makes her feel some kind of way, being a delivery driver with a degree and great careeer she used to have years ago, but the truth is that it fits really well with her life now and gets home early enough to pick up kids from school and have a family life too.
She still gets to enjoy the daylight, even during short days in winter, she gets to see new houses built on her ‘round’, she meets new people and builds relationships with them and she doesn’t need to overwork her brain, hence why she’s always very productive even after work, contrary to me being brain dead after a day at work.
After finishing her round, Crystal didn’t feel like running back home to do more work though, so we stopped at her moms to enjoy a quiet half an hour in her mom’s garden with a cup of coffee. Her parents are currently away on holiday, but coming back home this week, so we had an excuse to go there to put the heating on, ready for their arrival 😉
In the evening we should really stay in and enjoy a quiet night in front of the TV, but again, we centured out 100 miles to Birmingham for a salsa party. Not the best quality I may add and on the way back I had to stop twice, cause Crystal was being sick!
Yeah, that’s what made us think that it wasn’t the food on Friday night, but we all have caught some stomach bug. Sunday was a write off for me. We came back around 3am and I spent half day in bed and the other half in front of tv, feeling nauseous and not able to eat anything.
I tried taking a picture of Bonnie sleeping in a hilarious position, but of couse she started moving as soon as she knew the attention was on her 😂
Today I was meant to go home mid day, ready for work tomorrow morning, as it’s 4h drive. I went for a morning run, hoping it will make me feel more energised, but I feel nauseous and can’t swollow anything again, so I stayed here and will be driving in the evening instead. My friends are plotting to block my car, so I can’t leave, but I hope they’re just joking!
Anyway, the weekend was great nonetheless and it was nice to take a break away from home, but it’s time to go now.

Camera: | iPhone11 |
Photographer: | @fantagira |