Medicinal plants, Salvia

in FreeComplimentsyesterday

Medicinal plants are essential in a garden and have many advantages for both us and our vegetables. In addition, they are very easy to grow and very resistant to both diseases and pests.


Today we will talk about Salvia, which is a plant that belongs to the Lamiaceae genus. It is a very rustic plant that we can find in the wild in the countryside and collect directly. But we can also grow it, both in pots and directly in the garden.
It is a plant that prefers fertile soils, semi-shade and likes humidity in the soil. It is very resistant to pests and diseases so it does not need much care.

As a medicinal plant, it has digestive and antiseptic properties as well as helping our cardiovascular system. We can see that it is a plant with many products both in herbalists and in pharmacies.
In the garden, its main use is to attract beneficial insects to fight pests and above all to attract pollinating bees since it is a honey plant.
The best way to use it in our garden is to plant it around the perimeter as a hedge, since it is a plant that grows really large.

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