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RE: This is Bad Medicine

in FreeCompliments3 days ago

Your post details a very sad situation, @freecompliments, for your grandmother. Any of us who are not doctors face a lot of questions about the validity of many of these medication recommendations. The whole topic of cholesterol and what, if anything, to do about it, being one common example.

Your grandmother is fortunate that you are in her life. And can intercede on her behalf. Hopefully, she will follow your advice and experience some confirmation of having made the right choice.

What is your perception, from your professional history, of the "Make America Healthy Again" slogan and what we can read about what RFK, Jr. and his allies have to say about their plans for taking on that enormous challenge. That all is not well seems to be self evident. If true, what to do about it?


Sorry, just saw your reply! Great question, actually. There are actually a lot of things in RFK's campaign with which I agree, particularly in removing chemicals from foods which have been proven to cause harm (it's already been done in Europe for the same reasons - America should not be exempt!). Emphasizing preventative measures and good habits including exercise, should be paramount, and it's something which I already do in my own practice.

There are certainly some questionable aspects about some of his views, but I'm more than OK with him prompting safety investigations for common things such as vaccines. This does not mean that I share his views on their risks vs. benefits (especially the vaccine-autism connection), but I am never opposed to compiling and presenting data correctly. Everyone has the right to know what's going into their body.

From my end, I will continue to emphasize healthy habits and food choices, and give information when prompted. That's quite literally one of my jobs in primary care. That's how medicine should be.

Thank you for your response and providing me your perspective, @freecompliments. If there is one overarching challenge for so many in our time, at least to me, it is asking ourselves the simple question:

"What is the truth?"

It is remarkable and sad how the challenge to anyone even asking that question has increased in our lifetimes. In the case of medical science and what we are told is good for us going to undergo a reversal of that trend?

At least it appears we have some agreement on what has been reported of RJK, Jr.'s insistence that we get back to peer reviewed studies and have true freedom of expression in discussing the results and, above all else, what results from them as recommendations.