Letting meaning become the true essence for your true humanity and sense in your lyrics and music. Better way to get a good attention: Discovering you weakness.

in Vibeslast month

Hello everyone, happy new year and welcome my blog to my blog, it has been a while.

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I love music such much, and I wish I could sing so beautifully as I have really wanted. Each time I want to feel alive again, I quickly run to this community because @ Lordbuttefler has provided many opportunities to express themselves with song and music related articles.

The way is just finding what your strengths are and work on them, I may not leave bring my music to this blog, totally, but feel better too writing and talking about music reviewing songs.

Many people sing for a reason, like they say, all without motive has not been genuinely said. I really want to look at what the music industry is today and how it was.

Music has been a profession for many years, as far as 1960 as I can remember. I and, with my little time I have spent in this world, I have love music mostly.

But, many people don't understand music anymore, even though we tend to globalize music and lyrics than what it was years back.

Many musicians of today, don't pay attention to the energy that music requires, you see, I have been as a person who enjoys Western Africa music, for a very long time.

On the that I enjoy about keeps me enjoying music is one being able to allow the audience understand and the lyrics and the rhythm that makes it musical.

Today, I was listening to one of my favorite son, "Ebenezer" by Nathaniel Bassy.

One thing I understand about his music carry is that he knows how to carry on with his vocals and carry the audience alone. If you are a good music listener, you will agree with me none of his verses if music is too difficult to understand.

Music today lacks the appropriate human interest it should, and it doesn't make sense in that way

None of his music is too unclear in terms of wardens, pronunciation of words, rhythms and how he pitched and moderate all his songs.

Many upcoming artists, today, believe that the money is more important than what your efforts would tell about your work.

I listen to some Christian musicians, at times they turn me off. Music is not music. Yes, I say so to say that not all music makes sense. Occasionally, many people don't know they are not supposed to really be on the mic.

You see, I am not a good singer, but I have written songs that have gone viral. I can't mention names, for copy right reason. I have often been to the studio stage with my buyers. And each time I write to my artist, I tell them, deliver as I have given.

That's to say, I am not blessed to be on the mic, but there is nothing happening around the mic, that seems alienating or that I am not knowledgeable enough.

Good music, makes good sense, if you know how to sing, please do it with passion, I really love what some young people here are doing.

But my view about music is not that is it spiritual, music is not a thing to looks warm. Sons that show, passion heals my soul.

See music see life, they work in hands, good vibes, today's artists don't consider the importance of sticking to what they want.

You see someone singing a worship son, immediately switches to praise, no, that's not son, we have many of them these days, build your, crafts a masterpiece of yourself and identify your strength and weaknesses.


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@Verbal-D & The Vibes Team

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