When In Doubt Drift It Out!

in Hive Gaming4 months ago

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Well Hello There Fellow Gamers And Hivers!

Time Is Of The Essence!!!

So I noticed the new weekly challenges had a "Horizon Arcade Event" snuck in somewhere and well those are by far the easiest to complete so I jumped right on that wagon!

I mean who wont gun for basically free points?

Well time was of the essence! I had to gun it down straight to the location! If I followed the roads and the rules I'd have missed out on the entire event!

Fortunately I made it like a pro!

Heck I went sideways at 124 MPH! Insane stuff!

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Hella Fun With Teamies!

This game I play Forza! You know when playing with a bunch of friends or even with a bunch of randoms but playing this game with someone else really hits the spot!

I mean real good as well! It feels like a totally different game all together. Quite strange though!
What companionship can do!

I had this guy in his mini van and some other bloak! Although I have to say that the bugger in the vini man looked suspiciously a lot like me!

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Ripping It Out!

Now I can say with some confidence that I really went ahead and ripped the head off of this competition! Or whatever one may call it!

Right off the bat from the second run I made a whopping 150k points for the team! At-least very close to that number!
Now hitting that amount of points right off the bat really makes up a lot of time when you run into problems! I mean real hard! I've lost a couple of drift events but usually one of two bloaks fall out at the end so when that happens you are secured with time!

It's not the perfect science though!

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The Fun Never Stops!

Well why stop having fun hey? I see absolutely no reason for such things!
Especially not when it comes down to drifting the beast I built!

I ran for quite a good bit after the drifting event ended up! I wanted to make up those points I managed to throw away yesterday night! I mean of-course points lost would never be regained but I find some comfort in that!

For now CoCuNut Signing off!

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Remember To Keep On Gaming Like You've Only Got One Life Left!

To everyone who made it this far into my post Thank you for the read and the support.

If you found this entertaining or educational please consider a re-blog and up-vote.

Most of all please leave a input in the comments below, whether is good or bad critic I would like to know, whether its your opinion or your way of doing things in a different manner I would like.

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Lol, I liked the title... And yeah that's some legit drifting there.