Let's Start:

- Half cup cooking oil.
- One medium sized tomato 🍅.
- Two medium sized onions.
- Green corriender leafs as we as corriender half spoon corriender powder.
- Garlic 🧄 paste half spoon.
- Half kg potatoes 🥔🍠.
- Half kg carrots 🥕.
- 1/4kg green peas beans.
- Seven or Eight green chillies and chillies powder as per taste or half spoon.
- Cumin seeds or powder 1/4 spoon.
Vegetables Chopping Process:
- In vegetables chopping process first of all we will take half kg potatoes then we will chopp them into one inch pieces as shown below:
- After that will take half kg carrots and then we will chopp them into half in sized little pieces as shown:
- Now I would like to chopp green chillies, tomato, ginger and corriender leafs as shown in the picture:
- The chopping process is almost done and I will chopp onions and then I would like to grind chopped green chillies, garlic and ginger as shown below in the pictures:
Step -By-Step Cooking Process:
In order to cook this spicy and tasty recipe we will take a half cup cooking oil in a cooking pot then we will place it on medium flame so that oil can get boiled and then we will ad chopped onions in the oil for frying them as shown below:
In the 2nd step we will let the onions to gain the brownish shade after that will will put the pate of green chillies, ginger and garlic in it then we will wait for 2 minutes. After waiting two minutes we will add chopped tomatoes in it. As a pictorial view is shown below:

In third step of this cooking process we will wait for one minute so that paste and tomato can get fried properly, then we will add a cumin powder or cumin seeds in it for better fragrance and taste. - - As shown below:

Now we will add choppeds 🥔🍠, carrot 🥕 and green peas,l. After adding all the vegetables we will mix them in fried onions and spice paste, then I will add half glass water in the vegetables which will lead them to be soften as shown in the picture:

In the step five I will cover cooking pot for 15 to 20 minutes and let it to be cooked on medium flame. After that I pull the lid and will add green corriender leafs in it. Now carrots, green peas and potatoes are clocked properly and ready to serve. We eat this with bread of flour. As a serve able and properly cooked carrots,potatoes and green peas is shown below:
Food is ready to serve:

This trio vegetables (potatoes+green peas+carrots) cooked recipe is very famous in asian countries especially India and Pakistan. All the required vegetables are easy to grow at home. Many people's of Asia likes to eat this dish because is total prepared from vegetables and vegetables are very rich in fiber.
Image Source:(All the pictures are captured by me by using my Android phone camera)