What a beautiful place you live in! Made downright magical by your hands. Love that hazelnut idea!
Thank you for the compliment 🙏
It really comes alive in the Summer and quickly reminds me why we have ended up here.
And the more time i spend in nature the more ideas it gives me as to how we can work together. It's getting harder and harder to leave the garden in fact! The straight lines of our home are not conducive to that deeper connection.
Oh yes! I understand! I love to go out and play in my garden. I make plans of course, but those are often abandoned for the sudden joy some other thought brings me. I like to think that those thoughts are not mine, but rather those of the garden and all its entities as they communicate with me. Child's play. It's wonderful to be back in that head.
And that you can discovered a whole bamboo paradise that you didn't even know was there is dreamlike. Fabulous. You and your family are quite an inspiration for me, and others.