One of the big advantages of having a restaurant - ENG/ESP



Good afternoon Hivers, I hope you are having an excellent day.

Today I bring you an insight on the businesses that we would like to create or buy, since I as an investor and as a trader, one of the great characteristics that I see when investing or creating a business refers to the fact that it must give something that I already use.

A great example of this is the restaurant I have in Bogota, being one of the best Venezuelan food restaurants and where you can pay using HBD with @thedistriator.

One of the greatest benefits that this restaurant generates for me is the fact that I do not move away from the typical food of my country, even though I no longer live in that country, which makes me focus more on what I want to do in Colombia and not on what I leave behind.

Another benefit is that I can eat as much as I want and my body allows, but I can also get good deals from suppliers, since being a place of massive sales, I can get good prices on those things that I already consume outside the business.

Another benefit is that I save a good amount of money monthly because I eat those products that the business offers, which means that I don't have to eat it elsewhere, and I only have to pay the cost of production, which is much lower than the cost of sale, and this means a good amount of savings that I can use to invest.

Honestly, although the business has had its good and bad moments, one of the great benefits is that it provides me in a constant and cheap way, what I would otherwise pay more expensive, and this is exactly what I want to bring to you.

There is nothing better than taking pride in what you sell, and being the biggest consumer of the products you sell is an indicator of this.

Let me know what you think in the comments.


Buenas tardes Hivers, espero que estén teniendo un excelente día.

Hoy les traigo una reflexión sobre los negocios que quisiéramos crear o comprar, ya que yo como inversor y como comerciante, una de las grandes características que veo al momento de invertir o crear un negocio se refiere a que debe dar algo que yo ya utilizo.

Un gran ejemplo de esto es el restaurante que tengo en Bogotá, siendo uno de los mejores de comida venezolana y donde se puede pagar usando HBD con @thedistriator.

Uno de los más grandes beneficios que me genera este restaurante es el hecho de que no me alejo de la comida típica de mi país, aún cuando ya yo no vivo en ese país, lo que hace que pueda concentrarme más en aquello que si quiero hacer en Colombia y no en lo que deje atrás.

Otro de los beneficios es que puedo comer la cantidad que quiera y mi cuerpo lo permita, pero también puedo conseguir buenas ofertas de proveedores, ya que al ser un lugar de venta masiva, puedo conseguir buenos precios en aquellas cosas que ya consumo fuera del negocio.

Otro beneficio se refiere a que me ahorro una buena cantidad de dinero mensualmente debido a que como aquellos productos que ofrece el negocio, lo que significa que no hace falta que lo coma en otro lado, y solo tengo que pagar el costo de producción, que es mucho menor al de venta, y esto significa una buena cantidad de ahorro que puedo usar para invertir.

Sinceramente, aunque el negocio ha tenido sus momentos buenos y malos, uno de los grandes beneficios se refiere a que me provee de manera constante y barata, aquello que de otra manera pagaría más caro, y es justamente aquí lo que quiero traerles.

No hay nada mejor que sentirse orgullo de lo que se vende, y ser el mayor consumidor de los productos vendidos es un indicador de esto.

Déjame saber lo que piensas en los comentarios.

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Having a restaurant assure one a daily feeding including his or her family, which goes a long way to save more money to the owner which is a nice business for this who can cook well.

That is very true

The perks of owning a restaurant. Everything looks fresh and tasty.

It is very good to be able to eat that at anytime

Especially since these are meals from your home country. Your restaurant introduces locals to cuisine you are familiar with and for those who miss home, these meals are like a taste of home.

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