I can appreciate the cultural differences between celebrations in Germany and Indonesia. I am sort of a hybrid, culturally. My father's family was strict WASP. Northern European ancestry: English, and German most predominately. They came generations before to the U.S. to escape religious persecution. My ancestors practiced the strictest form of Protestantism. That ethic lingered in my grandparents (they couldn't tolerate 'Papists')
My mother's family was Sicilian. Do I have to say more ? :))
There was a strong sense of family and clan in my father's family when they gathered for Christmas. When my mother's family celebrated Christmas, the holiday lasted a whole week, through New Years. The door was open to anyone who had nowhere to go. Homemade delicacies flowed. Children and adults joined together in games. For one week there were no grudges. It is hard to describe that kind of warmth, except you know exactly what I'm talking about 🌹.
A lovely post, also informative. I hope your family continues to be happy as this new home becomes truly theirs.