Hi, I am Arveno and i am from Surabaya city Indonesia. I want to make content about the cheapest Protein in the world probably and it is in Indonesia. Many people did not know what it is. But if you are in Indonesia, you will getting used to eat this food. This food is called Tempe. This is fermented soybeans that really delicious and healthy. But, i am prefer eating tofu than Tempe, yeah it is not because i dont like it. It is just taste. If there are only Tempe without Tofu, i will still eating it, since this food is contain big amount of Protein.
Okay, tempe is one of traditional food that founded in Indonesia, this food is from Soybean that fermented with mold called Rhizopus SP ( i dont know what mold is this, i just got information on Google).
But what i know is yeah this food is fermented. Tempe is contain many good nutrition inside. Mostly is Protein, so this food can replacing or substitute for Meat in urgent situation. But, i dont know this food can totally subtituting meat forever or not. As far as i know many Vegan in Indonesia still okay and healthy by using Tempe as Protein. However, not only protein, Tempe contain many micro nutrients as well such as fiber,calcium, vit B12,and iron based on Google. I dont check what the nutrient on this food. So far, i eating this food since i was a kid. So,yeah this food is healthy i still live and healthy.
Hmmm if you want to know more about Tempe nutrient you can google it.
And now i will share to you my experience about taste of this Tempe.
Usually my wife or my mom cooking this Tempe by sautéing combined with some vegetables and tofu or piece of chicken or beef. Or they frying it till crispy. Or sometimes they steamed it. But what i love when they sauteing Tempe and combined with tofu and sweet soy sauce. Ugh it is very tasty. Combination of Sweet and saviory with crispy and delicate fo Tempe that can melt in mouth. I very love it.
Not only the taste, since i said that Tempe is contain mostly Protein. Tempe can be one of food that can make you healthy. Tempe can help the digest system since having fiber in it, and for the protein of course this food can building our muscle. Tempe also contain unsaturated fat that increasing heart health.
And of course Calcium can make our bone density well maintained too. Protein is really good for muscles and it will make our blood sugar well controlled too. And the best is Tempe is antioxidant that can prevent for inflamation and degeneratif disease.
I dont know in other country imported Tempe or not. But, i guess some country already imported this food. And if your country never sell this, it is the best time to go vacation to Indonesia and taste food. Not only Tempe, you can also try other food like Rendang and many more.
So, this is about the cheapest Protein in my country. See you in the next content.