I've heard MSG actually gets a bad rap. Something about it being a hit job back in the day that just kind of stuck. I don't know if that is true, but definitely keep an eye on sodium content. I've been on meds (hydrochlorothorazide) for several years now and they do a good job of managing it. The only drawback is I have to pee constantly after I take the pill.
I think that is what I am taking as well, I can't say for sure.... but i don't take them with regularity because according to a family member who works in medicine, those pills are only a band-aid... the real fix for high blood pressure is lifestyle changes such as change of diet and more exercise. I'm doing those right now but honestly, I would probably do myself a lot of good if I just kept taking the pills as well
I started changing my diet and exercising more several years ago. I still take the pill though and it seems to be doing the trick while I wait for my metabolism to kick in (assuming it ever does).
(assuming it ever does).
I laughed a bit at this. That's the real mystery isn't it? Will it ever?
yeah, i'm not looking forward to it because it is already so difficult to simply maintain my weight... losing weight and gaining muscle after 40 just seems like something that cannot be done unless you have Dwayne Johnson's resources and access to PED's.