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RE: Bought an air fryer and wow, am I amazed


Welcome to the AF family. The air fryer is convenient AF! And feeling way healthier as it could. However, beware of "re-frying" like frozen fries or frozen fried chicken. Reheated frozen fried stuff can increase the carcinogens way more than it originally has. Other than that, all good AF and healthy AF as air frying can help to reduce oil AF.

Once again, welcome to the AF cult.


ok good to know. I wasn't planning on putting anything frozen in there anyway but now i definitely wont.

Ah. Thanks for reminder. Now I know why I went digging the video as I've seen this studies a couple year ago and couldn't find it on that day when I made that comment. By the time YouTube re-recommended it to me I have forgotten about this 😌 anyway, here you go