It was a wonderful day to all of us, the sun shine so bright and a beautiful blue sky telling that today is a nice day. I hope you also doing great this day.
Last rainy season my father and I planted a Banana Tree, and for today I am very excited because this Banana trees are now bearing a fruit. This variety of banana is called "lakatan" and this type of banana is expensive in our market that is why we choose to plant this banana tree.
I am very happy to see the fruit of our hardwork.
In the afternoon my aunt came to our house and he checked their Mango tree beside of our land. She find out that their mango bearing many fruits and then she decided to picked one and check if it is now ready to harvest. That turns out it is now ready to picked then he called the harvesters.
This are variety of mango is "native". The color of his fruits turnsout yellow when it is ripe. It very big in size and very sweet in taste that resulted me to never gets bored in eating.
Mango is one of my favorite fruits and the other one is Watermelon , What I like on this fruit is makes me refresh while eating this. But before I ate this I firstly put in the fridge then let the fruit cool it down. When the fruit is already chilled , it is now ready to eat.
Moreover, we have also a rare fruit growing in our farm. It is a Marang fruit . Thus fruit can only be found on Mindanao Philippines and it is very to have this type of tree in the northern part of the philippines.
This fruit has a very bad smell , just like the durian fruit. The edible part of the marang is just the cotton like attached on the center.
Upon tasting its fruit it was so sweet. I am lucky to have a taste of this rare and expensive fruit. FYI 'this size on his fruit can be worth around 300 pesos or around $6 dollars. So for you what was the rares fruits that you have already taste? Was the price worth it? I am happy to hear your story☺
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