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RE: The Beautiful Chaos of Being a Mom

Indeed a Mother's life is so chaotic yet satisfying and the most rewarding job you will ever do. I applaud your energy for keeping up that delicate balance of work, being a mom a wife and everything in between. I am so glad that mothers now are valued and appreciated as we deserve. It warms my heart whenever I feel connection with people who have the same experiences that I do. Enjoy you Mom life @kristinejoycruz. Soon these will be fleeting moments and all that will be left are memories. Enjoy the chaos! Cheers Momma!


I just hope I'll be a mom that they won't regret to have. I want to try and be the best for them. All I pray is that they will grow up to be good people.

You are doing great, momma. Do not ever doubt yourself and all the things you are capable of being for the sake of your kids. You do not need validation from outside. Seeing your kids healthy and happy is all the validation you need. So you do you Wonder Momma.