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RE: Quality Time as a Family, Everyday Earnings and Appreciations: My Key Components to be at the Happiest!

You are right that love around the world is unique in a tradition that above all family merit is a worthy love. Yes eating together sleeping together and living together is right. Before we grew up together with our parents, from sleeping, eating and drinking to traveling. But today is very different. People tend to live in different places especially in the field of work. So the demands at various times remain incomplete. Enjoy some time with your children and the message about your husband's job was patient work for you. May God bless you always with the joy you and your family are experiencing now. Amen.


@mdakash62 thank you for a wonderful advice😍 you are right today's generation is quite different and I'm always thinking of making a change like I want to take back to the days when we are always together despite the cost of the rent the expensive lifestyle. Money can be earned, but memories is once in a lifetime

Living life together always preserves the beautiful love of family. Have a nice day and hugs.