It was Mid-Autumn Festival Yesterday!
Happy belated Mid-Autumn Festival!🥮
Hey there!
Hope everyone is doing great!
I am back for a short post!
There were so much going on for the past few weeks ago.
Couldn't catch up with my body feeling super exhausted lately and today I finally had the time to rest !
Feeling more of a human today rather than a zombie.🤣
So this year I wanted to do a healthy version of a homemade mooncake with the mooncake mold I have bought last year but sadly few days ago I can't seems to find my mooncake mold.😅
I was so exhausted looking high and low for it even my husband did help me looking for it and end up getting disappointed.
Didn't know where did we misplaced it.
I was feeling down for few hours because I was really exhausted too at the same time.🥴
Then suddenly this creative mind of mine as always came up with an idea.
I don't need the mooncake mold to make a mooncake,I can do it free hand!
That's it! Let's make it happen!
So this healthy mooncake recipe is also created by me on the same day.
I don't know how this idea came by but it just came flowing in this brain of mine.🤭
It's very very easy to make especially you don't need to bake it and only just steam it.
I started peeling some sweet potatoes and cut it up into small pieces then put it into the steamer for few minutes.
Then I smashed it up and mixed with some salt & butter while it is still hot.
After that I have divided it into two parts.One part was mixed with some sweet milk and cream cheese to make it more creamy for the 2nd layer of filling.
The middle filling I just used the extra red bean paste that I have sitting in my fridge.
I didn't make it too sweet as I had planned to give some to my parents in-law too.
Then I just started to freehand shape it and design it.
I didn't know that it would turn out perfectly!
This was the results!
Surprisingly it turns out just like how I imagine it to be!
Look at the layers!
No colour added, it's all natural.
After chilling it in the fridge,it tasted so delicious!
My husband was surprised too on how good it looks and taste.🤭
Usually we always buy mooncakes from the store but usually it will taste super sweet and also it's getting more and more expensive nowadays.
Even if you wanted to buy original lotus paste and make your own baked mooncake at home,the price had gone up alot too from previous years.
I am really happy to share with you this recipe of mine although it doesn't have the exact measurements of the ingredients.
It's my 1st creation recipe for this, hopefully next year I will improvise more of the recipe.🤭