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RE: Told my Vietnamese friends to "order whatever" and paid the price for it


O wow! your 'friends' really got you on this one, it's always risky to go eating out when abroad I think, respect you even ate some of it! Close to the shore they always serve a lot of seafood, I've been to Mallorca once and found this out and I don't like seafood at all. 😅
What did the restaurant employees did when the chair broke? 🤨 the tables and chairs don't look comfortable at all so it wasn't your fault imo 😣


The staff hardly reacted at all. It seems as though this is a regular occurrence at this place. The chairs were awful and I was uncomfortable to the point where I started to get grouchy. Eventually I just started drinking beer because I didn't want any of the food. I ate a bit of it just to not be rude and then told everyone that I wasn't hungry because I forgot about the party and ate before I got there... which was a lie but it worked.