Hello everyone 👧.
It's~~~TGIF.....We (@butwo, my Sister and I) went to Octoberfest for food hunting before going back home. Even though we had our dinner with my Mum's homemade meal at our workplace, we are still able to eat additional food for this special event.

We arrived at the event place at almost 10.00pm. There are still lots of crowds like us searching for late night snacks. Maybe most of the people in my hometown are not working in the next day, they just gather here for hanging out with friends and families without worrying to get up early for work on Saturday. Or, have a sleepless night by hanging out at the Octoberfest or the nearby night bar until morning with the booze 🍻.

I would like to join the crowds by sitting on any available table seat under the big canopy to enjoy the Octoberfest vibe. Unfortunately, no suitable available seats or the seat available is near the loud speaker. We just brought the food we bought to enjoy it at home. My Mum always scolds us for eating late night snacks in front of her. We just prepare our mentality by enjoying the food at home while getting nagged by my Mum.

Surprisingly, we did not hear any of my Mum's nagging sounds. She joined us in enjoying the food. Lucky💃 . All the food we bought my Mum did not try it before or rarely eats it and she can't resist to trying it on.

Uku Chan stared at me intensely waiting for me to share my food with him. Sorry to say, I only shared with him the leftover seaweed flakes in the plastic container for him to lick it until clean. The late night snacks we bought was not enough for us as well.

Well, we should not eat lots of late night snacks before going to sleep.
That's all. See ya in my next post. 😉