Hello everybody, February is a special month for me. It's the month of Love and Romance.
February is the second month of the year, coming between January and March, and is also the shortest month, with 28 days in a common year, and 29 days in a leap year.
Some of my friends and relatives said that people born on February are weirdos. Because of all the months in the year only February has the incomplete number of days. I don't how to shorten the details below but I was amazed by the explanation so I include it in my blog.
From circa 700 BC, when Numa Pompilius, the second king of Rome, added it to the calendar, February had 23 days and 24 days on some of every second year, until 46 BC when Julius Caesar assigned it 29 days on every fourth year and 28 days otherwise. Leap year Day, February 29, is added in every year that can be divided equally by four, such as 2012 and 2016, but this does not apply when the year ending in "00" at the turn of the century does not divide equally into 400. This means that 1600 and 2000 were leap years in the Gregorian calendar, but 1700, 1800, and 1900 were rather common years. This is where the Julian calendar calculated dates differently, as it always repeated February 29 every four years.
Today's post is a about our well spend weekend. Last week was my husband's last duty for night shift. His now struggling in the day for 12 hours of driving. This Monday I wasn't expecting him to come home. I woke up early because Katsuki and Sasuke had to go to school early. I also bring Ria to the school, at eight AM I was already tired because I haven't eat my breakfast. After eating and cleaning the house. I suddenly hear my husband's motorcycle, it's noise is far different from the others. I picked him up in the road and made him paddle home. I don't care if he already travel far I'm also tired too LoL 😆.

This is what I cooked that day pork sour soup with tamarind. All you
need is to boil the pork with; onion, ginger then when it softens add tomatoes, fish sauce and seasoning. Simmer and add the tamarind powder, veggies such as Kang Kong leaves, radish or Gabi. Boil and adjust according to your taste desire.
Then the laundry 🧺 it was really a tiring day. Good thing my daughter helped me as she arrived early from the school. Our weekly laundry is scheduled everytime my husband's go home from work. It saves the electricity, detergent and water. He will also bring his stuff when he goes to Manila so I dry them up in the drier.