How are your heart's hive world? Are you preparing anything special for tomorrow? Every struggle that I faced reminds me that valentine's it's just an ordinary day. You will always find answers based on what the person has already experienced.
My today's post is about Ria's activity in school and a simple recipe cooked by yours truly.

Last week the Department of Education ordered the public schools to gather and brush their teeth together. Their teacher reached out to us and told us to prepare the things the kids needed.

While I haven't enrolled Ria to the next grade. I want to the deal with the expenses before moving forward to the next level. Kindergarten requires a graduation ceremony. We will get along with the grade six students so they told us to prepare our pockets. The right wearing purple is the teacher of grade one. While the left wearing a stripe shirt is Ria's present teacher.
These week Ria and her classmates accomplished another set of exams. Her score's are actually fine with me. I couldn't give her all my time because I need to work hard on my side hustle to help my family for the expenses. I also trust my kids when it comes to their studying. I don't want to forced them to be the person they don't want to be. As long as they accesselerate I will be always proud of them

Let's turned a Noodle into a healthy soup. The bottle gourd was from my brother-in-law. I haven't tried this dish before, I usually add noodles to sponge gourds I've mistaken the two. But because the stores are too far from our house I asked online if noodles can cooked with this bottle gourd and it can.
Garlic, onion, cooking oil, fish sauce, seasoning, water, ready to cooked noodles and bottle gourd.

Wash and cut the ingredients needed, in a casserole saute the onion and garlic. Then add the bottle gourd and fish sauce. Mixed well, add the noodles, seasoning and water. Cover and Simmer for two minutes and your done. Just like my mother-in-law said those ingredients will sure meet in our stomach, just need proper cooking and learning and your all done.