Monomad: one of the areas that are still left behind in Aceh

in Black And White6 months ago

Hello black and white friends, everyone
Today I have captured some pictures of one of the areas that is still very backward in the district of Bener Meriah, Aceh, Indonesia, right in one of the hamlets of the great forest, in an era that is already sophisticated like today, we have very rarely seen very uninhabitable house buildings like the one I captured today.

One of the houses belonging to the residents in this area is like a hut and there is not a single person seen around this house, maybe they are working in their garden, I called several times, but there was no response in the same foot, I saw that this house is indeed very sad.

In this area, it is actually very famous for one of the agricultural places and the majority of it is from natural products alone, maybe it can build some roads so that special road users who live in this area are more always to travel, whether they want to go to the garden or to the market, I can't imagine some of the roads that I encountered today, There are still paths and rocky roads, if only it was raining heavily, maybe they would think twice about getting out of the house.



Seeing the atmosphere around this environment for me seems very comfortable, because the air is still very cool and far from the noise makes me feel that peace is in this place.



I also had time to take a picture of one of the water channels that is used for the needs of the residents around here, but there is no water flowing in this channel, indeed in this area when the dry season has arrived for the use of clean water is a bit difficult, they have to go to the river bank first which can reach a distance of 3 km to find clean water.


One of the wildflowers on the side of the road looks very beautiful and I wanted to take a picture of it.

One of the areas that is still left behind in Aceh I will include in the daily #monomad challenge organized and curated by @monochromes

Thank you very much to all of you who have taken a little time to read this post of mine, hopefully it can be useful for all of us.
Greetings from me @furkanmamplam


I loved that first picture, the beautiful contrast of the little house with the surroundings makes it look so cute!

Thank you very much for visiting my house, you have liked one of my works, of course I am very happy to hear it, I hope you have a pleasant day friends 🙏😊