in The Kingdom3 months ago

If you want to make your house a prayer alter, then it is very possible.


Whatsoever you do consistently in a place determines the spirit that will dominate that place. If a man spends time praying in a place consistently.

So, if a man spends time praying in a place consistently, the spirit of grace and supplication will come upon that place that even if a prayer less person walks into that place, that person will begin to feel the burden to pray. So it is if a man allows immoral activities in a place consistently, if somebody comes to that place, that person may begin to have lust of the flesh.

You need to understand that the realm of the spirit responds to consistent activities happening in a place. If you want to make your heart a prayer alter, it means pray consistently in your house.

The Bible said that Abraham built and alter where he fellowship with God in a place, and after many years.

Jacob rested his head there he slept off and he saw angels ascending and descending. He had a spiritual encounter because fellowship had gone on in that place before.

Build your own alter today and fellowship with God.

Stay blessed

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