in The Kingdom3 months ago

I don't think we hear this enough as Christians, but it is perfectly normal to struggle with staying disciplined and in your quiet time with God and your prayer and your Bible study.

You are not a bad Christian if in one season you're super on fire for God and you keep reading your Bible everyday and then go a season when you are struggling with that, you are distracted, or maybe you prefer to watch TV or scroll on your phone .

It is normal to go through those phases in our Christain walk. We have to be careful not to equate your works for God with being with him. A religious mindset is all about what we do for God to sort of earn his love. But he already loves us, his Grace is sufficient in our weakness.

Sometimes you can just consider switching up the way you spend time with God to avoid a rut. Maybe, you can start listening to an audio podcast of the Bible or have an undistracted worship session in your living room or car. Journal your prayers instead of resetting them out loud or just join a Bible study or event at church.


It would be super unrealistic to expect yourself to just be like monotone, super consistent and super on fire in every season of your life. When it comes to habits, it will always fluctuate. The best suggestion is just switching up the way you approach it and try to figure out how to make it more fun, exciting and enjoyable.

Hope that helps?

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


True that.