in The Kingdomlast month

Destiny helpers are not only people who have money. I believe we have been misguided especially in the church, that often time when we pray and ask God for destiny helpers, we are only thinking of people who have money.

There are certain seasons in our lives where in what you need is not money essentially, but people. A shift should be made in your mind that you should build quality relationships with people.

There are people in your lives that you have right now, relationship that you have that are truly valuable people, they may not have money right now, or look like much right now, but the have great potential. This is probably the season where you should be forming valuable relationships with people, and these relationships will probably bear fruit in the near future.

When you pray about destiny helpers don't only think about people who have money to give to you. Because, money that you have not prepared for might destroy you, but relationships that you build through time definitely will produce great value for you in your future. Find quality people that I call true destiny helpers.

Yes, destiny helpers include people who have money, but they are not limited to only those who have money. There are people who can carry your vision, who can carry your burden and make it their own, and these are the only people that will truly be valuable for you in time to come.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha