Speak It Into Existence.

in The Kingdom2 months ago


For ever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven.

Psalms 119:89

I use to wonder why this passage said your word is settled in heaven. Why is the the word not settled both in heaven and on the earth?

And meditating further in the scripture, I found out that for God's word to be settled on earth, it takes the believer to decree what is in the word. The Bible said "You shall decree a thing and it shall come to pass".

In as much that it is settled in heaven, most of the time it will not reflect in our reality on earth if we don't have the boldness and if we don't step in the authority that we have to speak such into being. What we find common among believers is that most of the time we are praying to God to say something that is already established in heaven, we say something that He has already promised us in scripture.

Whatever that you can find in scripture that is a promise of God concerning you, if you can be bold enough to speak it into being, you are guaranteed that it is going to be established on earth. It says "* Out of the mouth of two or three witnesses a word is established". This tells you that authority has been given to us as men to establish reality here on earth.

Some things that you might be asking God for has already been established on earth, He is just waiting for you to use the authority that he has given you to establish it here on earth.

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