in The Kingdom9 months ago

Good greetings brethren, thanks for the privilege of fellowshiping with you all, this being only my second post here. Here's the first.!

Please the following is interesting and a very weighty matter that I'll enjoin you to consider with all gravity as Jesus strengths you.


It is unheard of, no other religion can lay claim to this! I mean that the author of the Holy Bible is still alive! Also meaning that our Holy Prophet-Ultimate Apostle-Grandmaster(if you please)-Supreme Lord-Testator– Jesus Christ, still lives. Recall, He is the very Word of God. Look,that the Word Himself is still alive,is our utter uniqueness, it sets us apart from the rest of the world. Hallelujah 🙌


No wonder everything He did on earth didn't have to be written in the Holy Bible(as Jn21:25 confirms) because, reading volumes on Him or head knowledge of Him, is not the defining route to knowing Him. Knowing Him is essentially a spiritual matter, sponsored by His very Spirit which He domiciles in us. He works in us,such that accessing the life in those pages of scripture would be a function of the ventilation we afford the Holy Spirit in our hearts. By His illumination within, illumination without is triggered such that we can truly comprehend what is written, we can even access what is "not" written. Please note that COMPREHENSION is essentially by the illumination within.

For Instance

So the man called "blind Bartimaeus" yelled, "JESUS SON OF DAVID, have mercy on me". JESUS SON OF DAVID he said, meant something to Jesus, also the blind man who called Him by that name was not just trying to impress Him or massage His ego, but he too was sending a deliberate message to Jesus. If you were in that crowd following Jesus, you probably would think, well the blind man just chose one of Jesus' many titles we know, just to try to make His head swell. You would be wrong. It takes a man that leans on the Spirit to know that the communication there was not just letters, it was Spirit.

Just to open it a little, do you recall the SURE MERCIES OF DAVID the Holy Bible talked about? It was not a mistake that after the man called Jesus by that title, he said, have mercy on me. Do you also see that when Jesus decoded the signal of the blind man's encoded message and sent for the blind man, the blind man threw away his garment as if to say, so long as He called me I won't be needing this garment again(if you say that means he expected healing, I won't fault your thinking).

Ok but he didn't categorically ask for healing, so why does he expect healing when he was called? It shows that, eventhough you heard everything the blind man said, assuming you were in that crowd,you really didn't hear much. You didn't hear much because the communication was not essentially by letters(even though it looked like it) but by revelation.

So this story is just a little snippet on what it means to COMPREHEND what is written. A blind man, by the Spirit's illumination was able to tap into Life, able to grasp what Jesus as the son of David entails— now this is deeper and wightier than just reading it and memorizing the title.
Indeed,when he yelled out that title, Jesus caught it, He immediately sensed the flavour in that tongue calling the name, He sensed the life that issued from that voice, He knew(by revelation) someone has spoken by revelation.

Ah this is the life of faith practically. Oh how wisdom attracts wisdom,how life attracts life! In the midst of a multitude Jesus stopped and demanded to see a physically wretched looking man, but a man that was full of great wealth–the illumination within,the eye of revelation. Oh how exciting! So that you have eyes to read, doesn't guarantee access to truth! Ponder this please

As We Round off

Recall the scripture says merely reading pages(the letter)kills, but hallelujah the Spirit quickens us into the life encoded in those pages- He gives life.
Now the foregoing is akin to a river. Jesus spoke that out of your bellies shall flow rivers,rivers,rivers! He deliberatly didn't use the word,pond.


Please never grow stale like a pond,c'mmon be dynamic as of rivers, His very life that resides in you. Give Him the needed ventilation and your strength will be renewed.


Much Love