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RE: Pulled Pork sandwiches

in Photo-essay8 months ago

That looks sooooooo delicious!!!
Bon appetit!!! 😊


Better than a hamburger, in my opinion.

Yeah, I can totally imagine! It's not something that is commonly prepared here, so not easy to compare for me :-)
But that's the same for hamburgers, most burgers you can get here are McDonals or Burger King. But that's now something that is slowly changing, good cuisine restaurants have now also started to offer "good" burgers. Quite a difference!!! :-D

Exactly! Fast food hamburgers don't even count as real food.
And home cooked food is often the best, too.

Yes indeed, there's no comparisaon possible between fastfood and home cooked food! It's called "junk" food for a reason :-D Now, even at home there can be a big difference in what you cook, but I don't think you can ever really cook something as unhealthy as fastood :-)

Truth! But guilty secret.. I love Mcdonald'fries and a few times a year I give in and have a Big Mac.

Same here!!!! :-D And Burger King as well... :-D
And Five Guys! (LOVE their fries!!!)

Never had 5Guys. Maybe that should be lunch this week!

Well, in my top 3 of non-homemade burgers, it's 5guys, BK, McD.
Not even sure if 5guys should be in a list with fastfood :-D