In ingenious way to solve my lunch with very little budget.

in Liketulast year


Greetings my dear friends of liketu I am pleased to be with you, this time I tell you how I solved my lunch today, the truth is that in Venezuela it is increasingly difficult every day a total challenge when it comes to cooking and I am surprised with everything that we Venezuelans have to manage. Many people do not like canned sardines but there are ways to make them and they are divine. In this case I grabbed all the seasonings I had in my fridge: paprika, onion, garlic, sweet bell pepper, tomato, and I added the canned sardines and two eggs, I blended everything and then I cooked it with a touch of seasoning and salt, I simmered and ready, it was super good and we served it with rice and plantains, it looked like ground beef, you just have to vary and be creative because in Venezuela there is no other way, I say goodbye, it was a pleasure.

Saludos mis queridos amigos de liketu me complace estar con ustedes, en esta oportunidad les cuento de cómo solvente mi almuerzo de hoy, la verdad es que en Venezuela cada vez es más difícil el día a día un desafío total a la hora de cocinar y me quedo sorprendida con todo lo que nos a tocado ingeniar a los venezolanos. A muchas personas no les agrada la sardina enlatada pero hay formas de hacerlas y quedan divinas en esta caso agarré todos los aliños que tenía en mi nevera pimentón, cebolla, ajo, ají dulce, tomate, aparte agregué la sardina enlatada y dos huevos, licúe todo y después lo cociné con un toque de condimentos y sal, cociné a fuego lento y listo, quedó súper bueno y lo acompañamos con arroz y plátanos, parecía carne molida solo hay que variar y ser creativos porque en Venezuela no queda de otra, me despido fue un gusto.

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You did a good job, it's always hard to manage something to cook some days especially during hard times but your low budget dish kook super 💯