Another Friends meeting

in Liketu11 months ago


Greetings dear hivers

Hello dear friends, cordial greetings to all, wishing you all the best, I hope you are well and healthy, encouraged to be here again this community of @liketu

It's nice to be sharing with my friends, this space is so important to me, because every time we go out and we interact we enjoy a lot.

That's why we always have to be surrounded by those like-minded friends creating a bond, not only of fun but of brotherhood, after the family, there will always be the friends that we share together many moments of joy and sadness.

Life is ephemeral, that's why I enjoy to the fullest these meetings with my friends, this time we went to a very famous restaurant in the city, where they prepare good chicken, we had a great time as always, I am happy to be always surrounded by special people in my life. Thank you for your attention!

[Spanish,Here]> Hola estimados amigos, un cordial saludos a todos, deseandoles lo mejor, espero esten bién y saludables, animada de estar aquí nuevamente esta comunidad de @liketu Es grato estar compartiendo con mis amigas, este espacio es tan importante para mi, pues cada vez que salimos y nos relacionamos disfrutamos muchisimo. Por eso siempre tenemos que estar rodeados de esos amigos afines creando un lazo, no solo de diversion sino de hermandad, luego de la familia, siempre estaran los amigos que compartamos juntos muchos momentos sea de alegría y tristezas. La vida es efimera, pues por eso que disfruto al máximo estos encuentros con mis amigas, en esta oportunidad nos fuimos a un restaraunte muy famoso de la cuidad, donde preparan buen Pollo,la pasamos genial como siempre, me siento feliz por estar siempre rodeada de gente especial en mi vida. ¡Gracias por su atención !


El texto es original de: @wendyth16 Todos los Derechos Reservados / © Wendy Hurtado Fotografías tomadas desde mi celular Xiaomi Note 12.

The text is original from: @wendyth16
All Rights Reserved / © Wendy Hurtado
Pictures taken from my Xiaomi Redmi Note 12 phone.


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Looks like you had a great time with friends! :)

Yes of course .. we had a good time

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Hello, my dear Wendy, how I miss that taste of chicken! I congratulate you for maintaining the most beautiful relationships with this group of friends, that's what it's all about, a big hug and love.😍

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