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RE: Kingdom powered by Hive. DHF Proposal

in KBK6 months ago

Perhaps that would be another statistics to add in the proposal, just to prove this very point.

I don't have exact statistics, but certainly we created more than 125 accounts, because that's how many accounts receive RC delegation from hive.aid. But many people created the account themselves and very active accounts do not have delegation because they no longer need it....


Exactly! Over 100 Hive accounts have been created. A clear sign that many people that interact with KBK end up creating an account.

However, I was mainly thinking about regular visitors (maybe those that enter KBK once a week or more). How many of them have a Hive account? Perhaps 90%, perhaps even more! Because it is not possible to actively participate in what KBK has to offer without having a Hive account.

Hive allows for regulars with RCR voting powers to have a say on any major decision regarding the Kingdom. Thanks to Hive it is possible to propose changes, as well as approve or reject proposals made by others.

In other words, being an active regular visitor of KBK necessarily involves being active on Hive. Current statistics (say 90% of regulars having Hive) prove this point. Therefore, the more regular visitors, the more Hive users. Full stop.

I second this opinion.
I have been reading comments and trying to examine what the reactions towards KBK means.
Statistics will be a very clear form of communication and accurately portray the benefit of kbk and why the votes on the proposal are deserved.

Maybe it's time to select a small team within the regulars and start putting Statistics together.