Boiling and grilling vegetables for a healthier life Zucchini, corn and broccoli
Hello, my dear friends, these days you have plans for a healthier life.
I don't know how the fasting program was added to my daily activities, and videos were introduced into my life to teach it
And then healthy food with fasting, which causes weight loss and makes our soul and body healthy.
Ingredients for this delicious vegetable
First, I put them in a plate and he ate it
Then I put the plate in a larger pot and poured water into it and put it on top of the
Now the water is boiling in the pot and we have put it in it, so the vegetables will steam
After that, I greased the inside of the baking tray with olive oil, and then I put the vegetables in it and rubbed a little olive oil on them, along with salt and pepper.
I put it on for 20 minutes at 190 degrees
Excellent result
In addition to that, I had boiled cow bone juice along with chickpeas to get fat and protein, which was very tasty
It was a very good dinner for me, which I ate without bread and rice, and it resulted in a reduction in carbs, which is good for me