I had an idea to do a month of Sunsets. lol, i got the first day, then missed the next. I managed to get 5 sunsets in the end. Thats better than 1 a week. Feels a bit like my year. I forget i barely made any posts in the start of 2024. My life had gone a bit wonky and i fell out of my Hive patterns. By mid way through the year i had only done a few posts. But my second half was much more active. I averaged 3 posts a month… Check out my hive recap thanks to the tool by @hivecreators if you want to make your own recap. Sign into this tool…https://recap.hivecreators.co/recap
I see this and i think. I can do better in 2025. I’m going to try to double that in 2025. I think i can do 70 posts or more in 2025. So that is my goal. I have a good feeling about 2025. So let’s see if we can hit it!
Back to my sunsets in December.
Here is a nice one down from the beach with my lovely little one, who is getting too big. She is nearly 14, shocking 😱 where is the freaking pause button.
We have been in Morocco this month. Living in the capitol Rabat. Really cool city. We had an apartment a few blocks from the beach, so we liked taking strolls down there. It is too chilly to swim and in general we had the beach to ourselves most days, besides a few fishermen, or crab hunters.
Coming out of the grocery store i shot this sweet sunset with my sweet wife Sarah.
P-man took some surfing classes. Brrrrr, he is braver than I too get in that water. After the lesson we snapped this shot. You see the coral in the ocean…makes for tricky surfing, because a lot of areas are just to sharp. It looks really cool, but not the best for the swimming reality.
We are kinda spoiled living in Guatemala for so many years. It is always pretty warm there. We had hoped Morocco was going to be closer to what we are used to, but it is cold for us here. I feel bad whining, because it’s not even so cold here. But brrrrr, im a baby. And the coldest months are still to come. 🥶
We spent the entire month in Rabat. It is predominantly Muslim here. So Christmas wasn’t really a thing. I’m used to everything shutting down on Christmas. But here it was bustling like any other day, no stores closed, schools in session.
Our land lady of the apartment we rented was so nice to us, on Christmas she made us a big meal. It really was above and beyond but made for a really special family Christmas of goat olive stew Tajine and a salad. Tajine is the traditional meal served everywhere in Morocco. With these cool ceramic dishes and a kind of volcanoes cap that keeps the meal warm and looks cool when being presented.
Another sunset walk with the pretty lady. I tried to tell her that the beach isn’t the best place to skateboard. 🤓
We really enjoyed our time in Rabat, it was a nice mix of city and nature. With lots of parks and the entire city is lined by the beach. They did something i really respect in almost all the beach area. No houses or hotels. There was a main road way and the buildings were only on the opposite side of the beach. So these big expansive beaches had so much public nature space. I’m used to condos and private property eating its way right to the beach. I really respect this choice to leave the beaches for the people and not the developers.
And now i leave you with a last sunset I caught on one of our last days walking around. You can see how we are on the buildings side of the road, and you can still see all the way down to the beach because there is no development on the beach side. Pretty cool city Rabat. Well worth a visit!