I don't think I've seen the Wendy's chili in a can before. Interesing.....
I like electric stoves, but not the glass top ones. The last house I was in had one and I learned to use it, but it never grew on me. I like the old timey electric ones that have the spiral elements. Although I have read that "real" chefs prefer gas stoves with the open flames, I don't care for that either. Of course when in Rome.....use what you got !
The Hormel did look thicker and chunkier right out of the can. I have eaten Wendy's chili from the restaurant and it is acceptable tasting, but not special as far as I'm concerned. Curious what the difference in the taste of the canned version. I wouldn't have described the chili from the restaurant as tasting smokey. I think the fake smoke or liquid smoke is easy to over do and most people over do it to where it really taste fake immediately. It has to be used so sparingly if it is going to come across more like real smoked things. I love smokey flavor on meat that has actually been smoked, but I normally can pick up fast if something has the fake smoke in it. Ugh !