[Es-Eng] Bricolaje Tutorial: Cómo Hacer Chocolate Casero? / Bricolaje Tutorial: Cómo Hacer Chocolate Casero

in GEMS3 months ago

portada de chocolate.png

Hola, amigos de Hive hoy les traigo un tutorial de cómo hacer Chocolate en casa

Sí, parece una fantasía poder realizar eso que es tan delicioso y que tantos usos podemos darle en nuestra cocina, meriendas, Postres en fin, de solo pensarlo ya quiero probar un poco.

TutoriaHello, friends of Hive today I bring you a tutorial on how to make Chocolate at home.

Yes, it seems a fantasy to be able to make that which is so delicious and that so many uses we can give it in our kitchen, snacks, desserts in short, just thinking about it and I want to try some.

In this tutorial we will learn how to prepare the chocolate base that serves for many uses and if you like it and leave me your comments I will be making soon other posts on how to use this rich chocolate in various ways in different desserts.l of How to Make Chocolate at Home



Para éste chocolate solo vamos a utilizar su ingrediente estrella y único el grano de Cacao y si es de su preferencia también puede usar Clavitos de olor pero esto es totalmente opcional y una maquina casera para procesar granos.


For this chocolate we are only going to use its star and unique ingredient the Cocoa bean and if it is of your preference you can also use Cloves but this is totally optional and a homemade machine to process beans.

Procedimientos /Procedures


Lo primero que vamos a hacer es colocar los granos de cacao secos a tostar en el fuego sin dejar quemar, lo dejamos enfriar y luego separamos las cáscaras del grano para proceder a moler.

The first thing we are going to do is to place the dry cocoa beans to toast in the fire without letting it burn, let it cool and then separate the shells from the beans to proceed to grind.


A medida que vamos moliendo se va incorporando el clavito de olor

As we grind, the cloves are added to the cloves.


...y al terminar dejamos reposar y ya tenemos listo nuestro delicioso chocolate que podemos consumir de inmediato o usarlo como base en cualquier postre que deseemos probar.

...and when finished let it rest and we have our delicious chocolate ready to be consumed immediately or use it as a base for any dessert we wish to try.


Espero les haya gustado mi post y se animen a hacer ustedes mismos en casa y probar si les gusta amargo, dulce, con aderezos o al 100%

I hope you liked my post and I encourage you to make your own at home and try if you like it bitter, sweet, with toppings or 100%.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator

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