Myself, Aimee, and Kaleb decided to go for a day trip to a nearby town. We headed off at 9:50 and got the bus.
Kaleb was actually really excited while we were standing at the bus stop. Every truck, bus, van, or odd looking car that drove past got a wave, and some even gave some beeps back.
When we got off the bus, we put Kalebs' reins on him, and he walked all the way from the bus stop up to the shopping centre which is a good 15 minute walk, and then he ran all around the different shops there. Walked the absolute legs off him, and he was still ready to keep running around.
But we knew he needed a nap. So, we stopped to get a coffee and rock him in the pram and a meer 45ish minutes later he was asleep.
We got walking then to check out some shops in the main street, and litrally 20 minutes later, he was awake once more, full of beans, and ready to run around some more.
I picked up this from one of the shops.
It's so weird. Last night, me and Aimee were playing some. It Takes Two, and during one of the missions, we had to play a labyrinth game. During it, I mentioned that I'd like to get one.
Today, boom, there's one. So I had to pick it up.
We went around a couple of shops, had some lunch, and Kaleb pointed at all of the big work vehicles that passed by in amazement, which was cute.
It was a really good day in general. We really like getting out for these little outings. It's always nice to go on an adventure.
Next time we'll go in the other direction to a town we've wanted to visit for a good while. Hopefully, next week, we can get up there.