La falda de pan tostado / Toasted bread skirt

in GEMS11 months ago

Hay días en que te dan ganas,
de llevar la bolsa de pan a rastras,
sacar un trozo de esta masa
y no comerla, sino en otra cosa usarla.

There are days when you feel like,
to carry the bag of bread by the crawl,
to take out a piece of this dough
and not eat it, but use it for something else.


Con esfuerzo la pones a tostar,
en un aparato que sirve para dorar,
bajas la palanca sin afán
y esperas un tiempo prudencial.

With effort you put it to toast,
in a device used for browning,
you lower the lever without anxiety
and wait for a prudential time.


Cuando la palanca sola se levanta,
es señal de que está la tostada,
con precaución de ahí la sacas,
sin quemarte las patas.

When the lever lifts on its own,
it's a sign that the toast is there,
and carefully pull it out of there,
without burning your legs.


Y si pensaste que me la iba a comer,
no, una falda quiero hacer,
le abro un agujero para por ahí pasar
y así llevo un atuendo de pan,
único, crocante y original.

And if you thought I was going to eat it,
no, I want to make a skirt,
I'll open a hole in it so that I can pass through it
and that way I'll wear a bread outfit,
unique, crunchy and original.



Stopmotion y cuento original de Margarita Palomino.
Colombia, abril del 2024


Como siempre, tú arte muy hermoso, el stop motion me encanta y l rima de los versos es muy divertida!!!

Muchas gracias amiga

I want to have the experience of wearing a bread outfit too, yeah! so hilarious, but I am sure that an outfit made of bread is not going to make us feel fine, so I might not even try it, lol

Thanks dear friend for sharing this piece, it's good to read and laugh.