Hay una vajilla fina,
con platos y tazas bonitas,
algo por ahí transita,
es clara y sin sonrisa.
Es una galleta escondida,
entre utensilios de cocina,
se asoma, no quiere ser vista
y a una taza se lanza con prisa.
There is fine china,
with pretty plates and cups,
something is passing by,
it's clear and unsmiling.
It is a hidden cookie,
among kitchen utensils,
it peeks out, it doesn't want to be seen
and hurries to a cup.
Desde ahí el mundo observa,
algo busca esta galleta,
cuando una polilla llega,
con rapidez a ella se acerca.
Hacen negocios los dos
intercambian dinero sin presión,
cada uno se marcha de buen humor,
lograron un acuerdo que les agradó.
From there the world watches,
something searches for this cookie,
when a moth arrives,
it swiftly approaches it.
They do business the two of them
exchange money without pressure,
each leaves in a good mood,
they strike a deal that pleases them.
La galleta regresa a su lugar
y espera algo, un domicilio quizás,
tras un rato cae café sin espesar,
en la taza que ahí está.
La galleta se pone contenta,
nada en la bebida de oscura apariencia,
poco a poco se desintegra,
logró ser una galleta por café envuelta.
The cookie returns to its place
and waits for something, an address perhaps,
after a while it drops unthickened coffee
into the cup that sits there.
The cookie is happy,
swims in the dark-looking drink,
gradually disintegrates,
it manages to be a cookie in coffee wrapped.