Memoir Monday # 12: Neighbours all

in GEMS9 months ago

Another sweet memory to recollect for memoirmonday hosted by @ericvancewalton . Happy day to you Hiveans... It has become a regular practice to browse what next in memoirmonday ? Interesting questions indeed.

If you need to recollect any of your beautiful memory, here you are free to write

What were your next door neighbors like when you were a child?

The train stopping at my destination, from where I left, after a gap of 25years

Before talking about my neighbour, let me remind you once again about where I spent my most beautiful childhood - a place irrespective of caste, creed and religion we had a strong bonding. To say, I had too many good neighbours. But then if I had to be specific, it is Mr. & Mrs. Mathew.

Moments with Mrs. & Mr. Mathew after a gap of 25 years.

Some peoples get into our hearts without our permission. And we do keep a high profile for them. Such was Mrs. Mathew. She was a regular visitor home often regularly. Her importance was never felt, until I got married and had to leave my state to my husband's place.

She had two sons. So me and my sister, we were more or less , like daughter's to her. I studied in a Defense school where discipline, punctuality and uniform was their main criteria. One fine morning, I remember my mother was so busy, getting late to get us ready for school and busy packing our lunch box, the Aunty, that is how we used to address her, came in and on seeing mother busy in kitchen, she plaited our hairs, saw to that we were ready for school etc. Such an adorable character. And when mother was sick, she used to cook for us.

Also we had another close neighbour. Mrs and Mr. Krishnan. We used to spent most of our time at their home. Playing, watching television. As they were our next door, they were always their incase of any emergency. Too many close friends to our knowledge was always around.

I must agree with the fact that caring and sharing, happiness and sadness, all these, I learnt whilst living among this wonderful neighborhood.

At this juncture, let me tell you one more reality. Years before, may be I was doing my first year graduation in 1980's, when my close neighbour's son collapsed due to kidney failure, the whole community stood up to reach him to the hospital and to get medication on time. Each time for his routine check up any of the neighbours would assist the parent. But this did not last long, as he became dear to Almighty very soon.

Once I got married and left this place, I knew how important were the presence of some peoples in my life for molding me, of what Iam today, especially a big thanks to my neighbours.

After 25 years, I visited this so called place, full of memories, everybody left back to their hometown. I happen to see too many new faces. Some of them purchased land and property in the same city and continued staying their.

A revisit to this place made me realize, how life is too short to remember the good old days. My advice, utilize the best of your time with your close ones - be it family, friends or neighbours.

All these text written are original. This article reminded me of too many forgotten faces. Thanks to @ericvancewalton. The photos are solely taken by me on my recent visit to my state.

Thank you friends for your patient visit.